
Zoonosis is a medical term for diseases that can be transmitted directly from our pets to us. Pet owners have become very complacent about the diseases that can be shared between us and our pets mainly because of the advent of all kinds of good deworming medications that have come out over the years. DON’T BECOME COMPLACENT ABOUT PARASITES, especially those that can move from our pets to us. Be sure your pets and their environment are as worm free as possible.
The main culprits are Roundworms, Hookworms, Tapeworms and Heartworms. Because these are not reportable diseases, meaning there is no law requiring us to report these to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), no one really knows how prevalent these critters are. Suffice it to say, we all have to take them very seriously. They have been known to cause blindness and, in rare cases, even death
How do these get transmitted? Well, in general, there are a few basic ways we are at risk. The most common way is when dogs and cats defecate in garden beds or sandboxes, and children come in contact when playing or adults when gardening. Beaches can be another source of these creatures. Tapeworms are transmitted via fleas; so if your pet has fleas and brings them into the house, you are at risk. Heartworms can be transmitted by mosquitoes.
So what can we do? First and foremost, be sure your pets are free of the parasites. Have a fecal sample run for worms every year and in some areas every six months. It is also wise, regardless of the fecal results, for your veterinarian to prophylactically de-worm your pet every year. No fecal analysis is 100% accurate. Practice good hygiene by wearing gloves when you are gardening and washing your hands thoroughly afterward. Keep the children out of sandboxes that may be used by stray animals. Keep your pets flea and tick free. Use the monthly preventive medications that are available for heartworms for your dogs (and cats!).
Most importantly, speak to your veterinarian about this most important issue and be sure you have a strategic plan in place to prevent your pet, and therefore yourself, from having parasites.

Article by: Sallie S.
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